Monday, June 29, 2009


When we moved in together, we decided to adopt a golden retriever puppy to signify the start of our family. We named him Hercules.

Few months down the road, we realized Hercules was lonely as we're at work most of the day. So we got another puppy to keep him company. We call her Pretty.

They get along very well that they're now inseparable.

Now that there are 2 of them, we tend to make comparisons of their distinct characters. We think Hercules is stupid, clumsy, very affectionate, gentle and too dependable on us. Pretty on the other hand is very intelligent, fast-learner, defensive, cunning and independent.

Despite of their negative characters, we are extremely proud of both of them as they are so well-behaved towards our guests. They become our topic of conversation most of the time. We'd make fun of Hercules' stupidity and Pretty's ferocious behaviour.

We thought we made a brilliant observation.

We thought they are hillarious until a family member hit us with some truth that those puppies are actually carbon copies of each of us!

That foolish dog Hercules is him, and that cunning little bitch is me!

1 comment:

Glo Penguin said...

Hahaha! That is cute. But hey, isn't it always the case where the female of the species *cough* is always smarter and devious-er *cough* than males of the species? Tee hee hee hee!